A well-attended public meeting was held on the 22nd April to discuss the reinvigoration of the village Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. To explain the requirements and implications, we had the pleasure of welcoming our local policeman, PC Mike Walker, and his two civilian colleagues, Kate Johns, the Watch Development Manager, and Kevin Dale, the CPO.

The meeting began with a vigorous discussion of local concern about the increasing level of hooliganism, unreported crime and crimes which had been reported but had resulted in little more than note taking. PC Walker recognised the problem and the reasons for the concern but pointed out that the Police also had considerable success, much of which was associated with help from the public. He responded to direct questioning by pointing out the difficulty of obtaining Antisocial Behaviour Orders and the need to obtain evidence and the extent to which community involvement could both assist the Police and act to reduce the social problem of juvenile disorder. He went on to point out the risk to property posed by bogus callers and the vulnerability of theft to houses left empty. These and other instances showed the value of an alert and informed community and he explained the nature of the Community Watch as it would work in Berrynarbor.

Information is now available and it should be possible to make a real start on getting the Neighbourhood Watch scheme going again. First of all it is vital to have people willing to act as Co-ordinators within their own immediate group of neighbours. This is not as onerous a task as you might fear, as all it means is that you will be expected to receive messages from the Police Early Warning message system, and pass them on to your neighbours. These messages are intended to inform people of such things as the presence of 'con-men' in the area who are possibly calling at houses practising frauds on the vulnerable, or perhaps of the theft of or damage to cars parked in local driveways. This does not mean that because there has been an early warning there is an immediate presumption of risk to anyone, or that we should be out on the streets expecting trouble. An early warning is just that. It is a way to raise awareness when necessary and, given the relatively low crime rate locally, they may be quite infrequent. A happy side effect of being in the Neighbourhood Watch is that people will get to know each other better and that we shall be expected to keep an eye on anyone who might be especially vulnerable.

It is hoped that as many people as possible will be prepared to act as co-ordinators. If you are among them, please will you let either Ann Hinchliffe [883708], who is the Parish Councillor with responsibility, or the Police know. Ann has the necessary forms.

Peter Hinchliffe



In recent months we have had stolen cars abandoned in the village, the attempted theft of a car, wheels stolen from a vehicle and tyres that appear to have been punctured deliberately on a number of occasions. Add to this the theft of a slate doorstep and almost weekly vandalism of the flowerpot men, and their disappearance in a number of cases, and you have a situation which invited discussion with the Police. Anne Hinchliffe [Neighbourhood Watch] is arranging for police officers to attend a meeting with parishioners. Details of when this will be will be publicised as soon as they are available.

Please make every effort to attend this meeting, after all it is our environment, homes and property that are being abused.

Michael Lane [Parish Councillor]



Devon and Cornwall Police statistics reveal that elderly citizens living alone who have become victims of a burglary are possibly at greater risk of further unwelcome visitors than any other members of our society.

In an attempt to reduce this risk, Devon and Cornwall Police introduced a scheme in Barnstaple whereby elderly and vulnerable citizens living alone, and who are in receipt of income support or any other benefit, can request a visit from a specialist who will survey the premises and advise whether additional security measures are required.

Elderly citizens who have experienced a break-in and who meet the conditions regarding benefit payments, may receive the survey, equipment and installation, free of charge. This scheme has been in operation in Barnstaple for more than a year and has proved very successful.

Police Chief Superintendent, Bob Stone, has agreed that this scheme can now be extended, and any resident of Berrynarbor meeting the criteria who requires advice should contact:

Crime Prevention Officer - Dectective Constable John Knowles, Tel: 335233

This scheme, administered by Devon and Cornwall Police, is funded by local Business and Commerce and is code-named 'Peace of Mind' . Your Parish Councillors and Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators have been briefed by Devon and Cornwall Police regarding the scheme.

Ray Ludlow



Due to growing concern of crime against the homes and property of UK homeowner and residents, a meeting was arranged where Berrynarbor residents were invited to question experts and specialists in the field of Crime Prevention, Crime Detection and the Installation and Maintenance of Intruder Alarm Systems. The meeting was held in the Manor Hall on 13th October.

Our guests, who agreed to face the public and answer their questions were:

28 residents attended the meeting at which a great deal of information regarding the advantages and failures of different methods of crime prevention were discussed, together with the pitfalls of D.I.Y. installations. Devon and Cornwall Constabulary recommend certain types of alarm installations which are less susceptible to interference and therefore false activation.

Should a resident require information on how to make their property less vulnerable from intrusion by unwelcome guests, Barnstaple Crime Prevention Officer will survey the property and offer advice. Telephone 0990-777-444 and ask for Barnstaple Crime Prevention Officer. Mike Lloyd would also be pleased to offer a quotation to install an intruder/fire alarm system, which meets with Police approval. A starter kit is available which could be extended at a later date.

For further information and costs, telephone Mike on 01271-71309. Our Parish Council Chairman, Jenny Taylor, thanked Bill Berry and the team of Neighbourhood Watch volunteers for the quiet and efficient way in which information flows, in each direction, between the police and the volunteers. From the number of residents who did not attend the meeting, we know that there is a sense of security and well-being in Berrynarbor that can only be attributable to Neighbourhood Watch.



Your Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators cordially invite all Berrynarbor residents to a meeting in the Manor Hall on Friday, 13th October, at 7.30 p.m.

A representative of Shorrock [Barnstaple] will be our guest speaker and Col. Bob Gilliat of Ilfracombe Crime Prevention Panel and a Community Policeman will be most welcome guests. There will be an opportunity for informal discussion and our guests will be able to offer advice based upon experience in their respective fields. Do not miss this opportunity to ask questions or express your thoughts on how village residents and property should be protected against the criminal element of our society.




Following the plea for additional help, we now have two new Co-ordinators and a new Contact. Ray Ludlow and Bob Froud have joined Dave Duncan and Bill Berry as Co-ordinators, and Graham Sanders is the new Contact.

Dave Duncan
Bob Froud
Bill Berry
Ray Ludlow
Graham Sanders

882141 - Castle Hill
883466 - Barton Lane
883356 - Mill Park
883693 - Sterridge Valley
883271 - Lee Cottage

As a village we are lucky to have a thriving Neighbourhood Watch and residents of the Sterridge Valley count themselves luckier still to have Ray Ludlow keeping an eye open for them. He does an excellent job whilst they are usually away enjoying themselves on holiday! Thank you, Ray.



A most interesting and informative evening was held in the Manor Hall on the 12th November, when PC's Geoff Crocker and Mike Walker spoke on ways to prevent the 'opportunist' burglar from paying you a visit and to improve the security of your home. Col. Bob Gilliatt spoke of the aims of the Ilfracombe & District Crime Prevention Panel which does sterling work on behalf of us all, covering the coastal area from Woolacombe to Lynton and inland to West Down. The recent setting up of a 'Business Watch' has dramatically reduced the incidence of shoplifting in Ilfracombe.

We are very lucky in Berrynarbor to have a low crime rate, but we must not get complacent and it was suggested that we increase our Co-ordinators to 4 in number, with additional Contacts. Anyone who would be prepared to help in this way should please ring Bill Berry, 883356. Co-ordinators and Contacts will in future meet on a more regular basis, with at least 2 general Speaker Meetings a year, details of which will be given in the Newsletter.

We shall be sorry to lose Geoff Crocker, our Community Constable, who is currently 'caretaking' for PC Jim Benbow, who will take over shortly. Our best wishes and thanks to Geoff and a warm welcome to Jim and congratulations on his recent marriage.



A well-attended meeting was held on 5th February, 1993, and several points were raised. There was a request for a break-down of the crime figures for 1992. P.C. Parsons has supplied the following information:

1992 Crime Figures - Berrynarbor
Burglary [dwelling] steal property*11 [2 detected]
Burglary [dwelling] with intent to steal*1
Burglary [non-dwelling] steal property6
Burglary [non-dwelling] intent to steal2
Theft15 [1 detected]
- Shoplifting1
- of Motor Vehicle2
- from Motor Vehicle6
Criminal Damage4
Possessing Controlled Drugs2 [2 detected]
Fraudulent use of Vehicle Excise Licence1 [detected]
Forgery1 [detected]
Assault - occasioning actual bodily harm1
Possessing Offensive Weapon2

* N.B. Dwelling also refers to holiday caravans so the total number of offences will not all refer to houses.

These figures are a little disturbing as the total figure for the previous year was in the region of 30+.

It was suggested that we hold a meeting about twice a year, with a speaker on some aspect of Crime Prevention. The first of these has been arranged for Friday, 16th April, at 7.30 p.m. in the Manor Hall. Inspector D. Thomas will give a short talk on Crime Prevention, outline the way in which they investigate a crime and then hold an Open Forum. This will be a chance for you to ask any questions you wish. I should, however, ask that if there are any specific questions you would like answered, please let me know [862205] by Friday, 9th April, so that Inspector Thomas has time to come up with any facts and figures. The Police Consultative Committee have also been invited to hold one of their meetings in the Manor Hall - date to be fixed.

I should like to welcome Dave Duncan as our new Co-ordinator for Berrynarbor East and thank Bill Berry for 'holding the fort' for so long.

A message from our Co-ordinators:

If you see or hear anything suspicious - and that means anything, however trivial it may seem to you - RING THE POLICE and LET ONE OF THE CO-ORDINATORS KNOW. All Contacts have an ultra-violet marking pen for marking property. These are available for everyone's use.

Finally, below is the current list of Co-ordinators and Contacts.

Jenny Taylor

Berrynarbor East
Co-ordinator: Dave Duncan - 882141
BirdswellInge Bartlett883408
Barton Lane [Village End]Sylvia Berry882577
Barton Lane [Sandy Cove End]Alan Richardson882831
Castle HillDave Duncan882141
New Road [Main Road)Jill McCrae882121
The VillagePhil Bridle882465
Berrynarbor West
Co-ordinator: Bill Berry - 883356
Pitt Hill/Mill LaneBill Berry883356
Silver Street/Rectory HillGary Songhurst883244
Sterridge Valley - Cherry Tree Cottage to Venture Cottage [inc. Cockhill]John Weaver882301
East Side - Parson's Pightle to Lower RowsRay Ludlow883693
West Side - Orchard House to No. 71Bernard Allen882491
The LeesMargaret King883105
Hagginton Hill - to BridgeTony Bond866156
GoosewellJack Elliott866156



Eight signs have now been installed, thanks to the help of Gary Songhurst, and it is hoped, funds permitting, to provide one or two more at a later date.

U.V. Security Marker Pens are now available and anyone wishing to use one to mark valuable items, etc. , should get in touch with their Contact person.

Bill Berry



The Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is now well on its way but not yet fully operational. The road signs should be ordered by the end of March - there will be 6: one at each of the road entrances to the village and one in the centre. The individual house roundels and information are now being distributed. Please display the roundels in prominent positions, visible from the road - they are a DETERRENT - which is what the scheme is all about. Ultra violet markers to mark individual items will shortly be with the Contacts [please see the February Newsletter and make a note of who is your contact and their 'phone number].



The Neighbourhood Watch meeting in November attracted an excellent turn out and it was unanimously agreed to establish such a scheme within the village.

A second meeting in January, attended by Dave Parsons, our new local Community Policeman from Combe Martin, established a team of Co-ordinators and Contacts, having first divided the village into two sections East and West.

Over the next few weeks, if not already, the Contact for your specific section [as shown below] will be calling to explain more and to invite you to join the Scheme. It was agreed that there would be a one-off membership fee of £1.00 per household, and this would offset the costs of erecting signs at the five entrances to the village and supplying engraving equipment for use by members.



  • Norman Richards, Moules Farm, Castle Hill [882594]


  • Birdswell - Inge Bartlett, Tower Cottage [883408]
  • Barton Lane [Village end] - Sylvia Berry, Berryridge [882577]
  • Barton Lane [Sandy Cove] - Alan Richardson, Sherrards [882831]
  • Castle Hill - Norman Richards, Moules Farm [882594]
  • New Road [Main Road] - Jill McCrae, Channel View [882121]



  • Bill Berry, Rivendell, Mill Lane [883356]

Contacts :

  • Pitt Hill/Mill Lane - Bill Berry [as above]
  • The Village - Phil Bridle, The Globe [882465]
  • Silver Street/ Rectory Hill - Gary Songhurst, Wild Violets [883244]
  • Sterridge Valley [Cherry Tree Cottage to Venture Cottage inc. Cockhill, etc] - John Weaver, The Cedars [882301]
  • East side [Parson's Pightle to Lower Rows] - Ray Ludlow Glenbridge [883693]
  • West side [Orchard House to No. '71] - Bernard Allan Bali-Hai [882491]
  • The Lees - Margaret King, Lee Haven [883105]
  • Hagginton Hill: Tony Bond, Ludley [882507] and [Bridge to bottom of hill] - Linda Bulled, 15 Hagginton Hill [883806]
  • Goosewell - Mr. Elliott, 10 Goosewell [881656]



Due to recent burglaries in the parish, the Council are asking if parishioners might like to give consideration to having the the "Neighbourhood Watch Scheme" in Berrynarbor.

Any persons interested, please 'phone Betty Davis, Parish Clerk [883541] or leave your name at the Manor Stores, you will then be contacted.



Are you interested in having the 'Neighbourhood Watch Scheme' in Berrynarbor? If so, please contact Joy Morrow, Fuchsia Cottage [882531], or leave your name and phone number if she is not at home.


Following the results of the Survey carried out by the Parish Council in 1988, a need was identified for a village newsletter. To get things off the ground, a group of volunteers met recently and have made a start.

It is hoped to publish bi-monthly initially, but if the response is good, this could be increased to monthly.

The aim is to make this an interesting and informative Newsletter which it is hoped you will enjoy. Everyone is invited to contribute any item of interest - village news, coming events, 'hatched, matched and despatched', or items re hobbies, travel, favourite recipes, etc. The success of this Newsletter depends on YOU, the reader, and the input received.

The way to contribute news is to 'post' items in the boxes provided in the Manor Stores and the Post Office. The deadline for each issue will be the 15th of the month prior to publication. The next edition is due in October, so items by the 15th September please.

This first edition has been distributed to every house in the Parish, in future Graham Jones (Post Office) and Sue and Melvyn Day (Meakings) have offered to deliver it with the newspapers. For those of you who do not take a paper, there will be a good supply in the Post Office and Manor Stores for you to collect.

It is not intended to charge for this Newsletter, so it is hoped that you will support any fund-raising efforts that might be necessary.

The first few issues have been made possible by Alan Bacon at Ilfracombe [Community] College allowing us the use of their facilities for printing and providing paper.

Just a few words of thanks to everyone who is helping to make the Newsletter possible:

Jenny Taylor
Parish Council